September 15, 2022

a roller coaster journey

Hi peeps! It's been awhile since my last post. Time flies super fast and so many things changed over the this year, a roller coaster. I'm changing in my career and my personal life. So many things happened in this year that i couldn't tell you guys all, the good things happened and the bad things also happened in 2022. But I do want to say thank you to all of the people that made me who am I today. 

First thing first, i really wanna thank God, for giving me endless blessings and solutions in my life. Indeed. I'm very grateful and thankful towards His amazing love and grace who makes my life so much better and even tho i was in a very hard position, He still loving me and tells me to be still, pray and let Him do His plan and time. You gotta believe me that God's plan is the best plan y'all, not gonna lie i'm still so shoook on how His plan works perfectly fine. All i wanna tell you is, no matter what your religion is whatever happens in your life, bad or good, just pray and talk to God all your problems, thankfulness, everything, and He will gives you His answer in the best way possible. 

Anyway, here is a bit of proof on how i spent my life in 2022 (so far)


my grand father, he passed away on September. May his soul find eternal peace. we love you akong <3

having a date with my sister

a photobox together

that one thing that doesn't change in my life is the fact that i still crazy over billkin pp

happy eating nom nom nom

honestly this noodle is super gewd.

i'm having my 26th birthday this year and i just wanna say,  i felt so loved receiving all of the birthday wishes today. Thank you for all the direct messages, stories and posts for my birthday! They are all very appreciated and absolutely made my day. I am truly grateful to have you all in my life. I woof u all πŸ₯ΊπŸ€πŸ€

last but not least, the love of my life, my amazing mom. 


That's all y'all, i'm sorry that i didn't give you so many proof :(
But i still woof you all <33

Thank you for reading and scrollin'


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